OpenDAEN (database) provides weekly updated data* which has been extracted from the publicly reported cases of COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions (injuries and deaths), listed on the Australian Government website - TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) DAEN (Database of Adverse Event Notifications) - including any published COVID-19 vaccine batch numbers (made available via TGA FOIs - Freedom of Information documents).
Useful search engines, graphs and tables have been developed into a helpful user-friendly database to assist study, research, review and analysis of the Australian Government publicly available data.
Although there are some DAEN case reports that show proof of causality, there is currently over 141,000 cases including over 1,000 reported deaths, following COVID-19 vaccines, listed publicly on the TGA DAEN in Australia.
@ 21.11.2024
* OpenDAEN database updates may occasionally be delayed by more than a week i.e. if the volunteer developer (or website administrator) is on holiday or unwell. We try and endeavour to keep the database updated on a regular basis for our website visitors.
Our research team (in the data sciences) is made up of group of volunteers including those with medical, statistical and legal expertise. We have voluntarily and painstakingly created and helped to develop this website and specifically the database, OpenDAEN, which is information sourced directly from various Australian Government publicly available websites (de-identified data/information).
We believe in sharing this information in an open and easy-to-use format (with search engines, tables and graphs etc.) and to help make it quicker for anyone wanting to source data for their own study, research and review.
This website (with the OpenDAEN database) has been brought to the attention of the Australian Government (various departments/contacts) and organisations etc. through emailed invitations (19th-21st Jan. 2024) and was previously shared to a number of Australian professionals (in late 2023), for their awareness.
Extra resources (tutorial videos, information, links etc.) have been voluntarily additionally provided to aid with the study/research etc. of our website visitors.
1."It is 2024 and world search and data systems can perform enormous and complex requests with astonishing speed and accuracy, yet when Australian governments roll out never before used experimental gene therapies to millions of citizens, Australians are left to report to an antiquated adverse event reporting system (DAENs) still with both feet in last century. This amounts to a fundamental failure of Pharmacovigilance and the Australian People. Searching through DAENs remains a nightmare for researchers, where one cannot but question the motivations of the TGA and the Australian health departments who feed it Our Information. OpenDAEN greatly assists researchers and students, and data and IT experts desperately needed to review and criticise the current DAEN system which is not fit for purpose. Hopefully OpenDAEN will motivate Australian governments to take the needed steps towards a national real-time, transparent, and easily accessible adverse event reporting system, for properly protecting the health of Australians and better facilitating valid Informed Consent. The antiquated DAEN system deprives and seemingly hides needed health data necessary for Australians to provide valid Informed Consent."
Julian Gillespie, LLB, BJuris (16.01.2024).
2."This is amazing and meticulous work by you and your team."
Dr. Melissa McCann (14.10.2023)
3."The hours of work behind this meticulous collection of batch data is evident. This is an excellent resource for people (and their loved ones) who have suffered injuries and will be pivotal in the days ahead. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing this resource."
Dr Julie Sladden - MBBS(Hons) BMedSci PGDipMedEd (30.10.2023)
4. To whom it may concern,
"I am very happy to have found the site, so I could very easily access the data about my own adverse event report concerning the COVID-19 Pfizer jab. It was quick and efficient to navigate around and I found all the information I was looking for. I tried the TGA's DAEN own site, which I found extremely difficult and confusing. I spent a long time there and still didn't find what I needed. Many thanks. Regards,"
Ingi (18.09.2024)
OpenDAEN.Info is a non-commercial and not-for-profit website for the research, study and review of the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) DAEN (Database of Adverse Event Notifications) system in respect of COVID-19 vaccines. The primary source of data on OpenDAEN is the TGA DAEN system and their published FOIs (Freedom of Information).
Copyright © 2024-2027 OpenDAEN Info - All Rights Reserved.
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